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Indian Community Development Block Grant Information Collection

December 20, 2024

The Department of Housing and Urban Development


Consultation Platform

Comment Deadline:



 The Department of Housing and Urban Development is seeking approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the information collection titled "Indian Community Development Block Grant Information Collection." Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 authorizes Indian Community Development Block Grants (ICDBG) and requires that grants be awarded annually on a competitive basis. The ICDBG program requires eligible applicants to submit information to enable HUD to select the best projects for funding during annual competitions. Additionally, the information submitted is essential for HUD in monitoring grants to ensure that grantees are complying with applicable statutes and regulations and implementing activities as approved. ICDBG recipients are required to submit a quarterly Federal Financial Report (SF-425) that describes the use of grant funds drawn from the recipient's line of credit. The reports are used to monitor cash transfers to the recipients and obtain expenditure data from the recipients. (2 CFR 200.327). The regulations at 24 CFR part 200 require that grantees and sub-grantees take all necessary affirmative steps to assure that minority firms, women's business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms are used when possible. Consistent with these regulations, 24 CFR 1003.506(b) requires that ICDBG grantees report on these activities on an annual basis, with Contract and Subcontract Activity Report being due to HUD on October 10 of each year (HUD-2516). The regulations at 24 CFR 1003.506 instruct recipients to submit to HUD an Annual Status and Evaluation Report (ASER) that describes the progress made in completing approved activities with a listing of work to be completed; a breakdown of funds expended; and when the project is completed, a program evaluation expressing the effectiveness of the project in meeting community development needs. 

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